My choise


NGC 7000

North AMerica Nebula


M45 Pleiades






Partial Solar Eclipse on 10/25/2022.

The partial solar eclipse from my place was accompanied by rainy and partly cloudy weather, and the entire course was not recorded. The largest phase was 0.377. The image below was taken at 12:35 local time, 13 minutes after peak coverage. Recorded through William Optics FLT refractor, 98/618mm, Canon EOS500D and through Mylar filter. 



M42 The Orion Nebula

Image obtained through a William Optics FLT98 Apo refractor, Field Flattener/reducer 0,8x IV, SBIG ST 8300C CCD, 7x5 minutes exp.


Jupiter, Saturn i Mars - Autumn planets 2020

Jupiter on September 09. 2020 through a Celestron Edge HD 9,25 at f20 on ZWO ASI 120C camera. On the right side is Jupiters moon Io.

Saturn on September 09. 2020 through a Celestron Edge HD 9,25 at f20 on ZWO ASI 120C camera.

Mars on October 08. 2020. through a Celestron Edge HD 9,25 at f20 on ZWO ASI 120C camera.


Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)

 Comet NEOWISE is discovered on March 27, 2020 by the NEOWISE space telescope.

Image of comet obtained on  July 25, 2020  through a William Optics refractor FLT 98/618 with TeleVue 0,8 field flattener/focal reducer. Camera is  Canon EOS 500D, 60 s exposure, 800 ASA


Comet NEOWISE on July 21 , 2020  through a William Optics refractor FLT 98/618 with TeleVue 0,8 field flattener/focal reducer. Camera is  Canon EOS 500D, 120 s exposure, 800 ASA,



Neowise at dawn on 14.07.2020. (Canon EOS500D. fl 75mm; f4; 1600 ASA, 0,8s exp.)

The plane flew "over" the comet's tail. Image on 14.07.2020. at 4:09 local time. Canon EOS300D; fl 300mm, f5,7, 1s, 800ASA.


"Comet" above zagorje hills

Full size

The sunset and the clouds together created an apocalyptic depiction of a comet rushing above the hills of Zagorje.

06/17/2020. Samsung S20 +


Space Walk by Croastro



Perseids 2018.

The 2018 Perseid meteor shower will peak on the night of August 12 and early morning of August 13. Recorded on ZWO ASI120MC camera, 45 second eksposure.


The Veil Nebula is the remnant of a supernova explosion that occurred about 5 - 10,000 years ago.

Image is used as cover of new CD-a "Velvet Space Love" Tomislava Golubana i Toni Starešinica - Deezer link


Recorded through refractor William Optics FLT98 (98/618 mm), TeleVue field flattener/reducer 0,8x, Lumicon DeepSky filter, SBIG ST8300 CCD camera, guided on QHY5 , 10x7 minutes exsposure.



M42 The Orion Nebula


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I present my love to astronomy since 1996. As this was rare astrophotography site in Croatia. In 2002 I rename it to to give internet community knowledge about strong amateur community in Croatia.